RAM MANDIR INAUGURATION: PM MODI seeks forgiveness as “RAM MANDIR” becomes a reality’A historic moment in India’s journey.”



“Ram has come after centuries of waiting, I seek forgiveness from Lord Ram PM Modi said at Pran Pratishtha Mahotsav.
After CM Yogi and Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat, PM Modi addressed the people. During this, he said that the enthusiasm for Ram temple was increasing in the entire country. PM Modi said that this nation has emerged by breaking the mentality of slavery. He said that today’s moment will be discussed even after thousands of years.
Modi said on the stageenthusiasm was increasing in the entire country.
After CM Yogi and Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat, PM Modi addressed the people. During this, he said that the enthusiasm for Ram temple was increasing in the entire country. PM Modi said that this nation has emerged by breaking the mentality of slavery. He said that today’s moment will be discussed even after thousands of years.
PM Modi said that this moment is supernatural, this moment is sacred. we could not do this work for so many centuries, hence today is not a normal time. He said that the court has brought justice to justice.  I seek forgiveness from Lord Ram because we could not do this work for centuries .

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